Every area of the City is governed by zoning codes that determine what can be done with the land and structures on it. In our district, portions of the Battle Creek and Highwood Hills neighborhoods are governed by multiple layers of zoning codes that further restrict what can be done on properties. If you have questions about zoning, you can contact city staff at 651-266-8989 or the SECO office at 651-578-7600.
Parts of the district fall in the Tree Preservation Overlay district, where property owners and developers need to make sure that trees are minimally disturbed and/or replaced. This overlay district derives from a plan that places several restrictions on the kinds of development that are permissible in Highwood Hills.
Finally, much of Highwood Hills and Battle Creek is part of the Mississippi River Critical Area. In practical terms, the areas affected by the zoning in the Critical Area are along the river bluffs, and at Pigs Eye Lake and Red Rock river terminal areas.
The special zoning restrictions in the Critical Area impose strict regulations on how close to the top and bottom of slopes new construction can occur, and how trees and wildlife habitat must be protected. These regulations will require property owners within the Critical Area to take extra steps to protect the natural resources along the river that other property owners in the City are not required to take.
If you have questions about what is permissible on your property, you should consult with City officials. Once you have a preliminary plan established for your work, you should speak with the District Council about whether the plan meets the development goals of the neighborhood.
In other areas of the district small area plans add other restrictions to what can be done on properties. Of particular concern are the station area plans related to the Gateway Corridor/Gold Line Bus Rapid Transit project.
Sign ordinance regulations apply to businesses in the area. For information you should contact the City at 651-266-8989.
To find out more about city plans:
You can access the neighborhood plans that apply to SECO on the St. Paul City website here: Neighborhood Plans
The city also has a 10 year Comprehensive Plan which you can access online: Comprehensive Plan
The city also has an option for all residents to receive email updates, if you would like to sign up check here: City Email Updates