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Renters Resources

METRO Gold Line Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Project

The Metro Gold Line is a transit corridor that lies along I-94 from the Stillwater area to Union Depot. Through an extensive community process, the preferred mode of transit that will be put in place along this corridor is Bus Rapid Transit or BRT. This type of bus route runs in its own roadway, with stations similar to a light rail station (covered shelters, pay kiosks, information boards and so on). Plans for the stations are available at the city.

The details of the preferred route in the eastern parts of the corridor are still being figured out, but in our area, the bus will run along the north side of the freeway and there will be stops at SunRay Shopping Center, at Hazel and Old Hudson (near White Bear Ave), and at Etna (on the western side of the street).  Station area plans have been developed for these areas with input from residents and a community-based advisory group.

Learn More & Give Feedback

Transit-oriented development (TOD) prepares for transit-supportive land uses and improved pedestrian, bike, and auto access within a half mile of each of the 10 station areas. Bus Rapid Transit-Oriented Development (BRTOD) is a type of development that includes a mix of housing, office, retail, or other amenities - integrated into a walkable neighborhood. Station area plans help communities create better access to jobs, housing, and opportunities for people of all ages and incomes.


Advantages of the Gold Line include:

Increased access to suburban jobs and shopping;Increased investment in our existing business areas at SunRay and White Bear Avenue;Increased transit options for residents;Increased the potential for additional housing;Decreased pollution from traffic along I-94.​Our work on this project going forward involves oversight of proposals in the project area, providing feedback to the planners as the project progresses, community meetings, and keeping residents in the loop.For news and updates, check out the Gold Line site.



SunRay Shopping Center 2105 1/2 Old Hudson Road St. Paul, MN  55119

Mon - Fri: 8AM - 5PM

Copyright©2024 Southeast Community Organization

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